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varnish and magento
Magento and Varnish with SSL Support using HAProxy
Rohan Sharma - 6 years ago
For Safe and Secure online transactions SSL is mandatory. Now if we are planning to use Varnish with our Magento then this something cannot be achieved using Varnish alone because it cannot handle HTTPS traffic. In our another article Install & Configure Varnish to Use with Magento 2 we showed how to configure Varnish as […]
Install & Configure Varnish to Use with Magento 2
Rohan Sharma - 6 years ago
Varnish is an HTTP reverse proxy that caches content in memory in front of a Web Server. It basically reduces the load on Apache and PHP as all the cacheable pages are managed by Varnish. Magento 2 comes with built-in support for Varnish caching, though we can continue using Full-Page cache by Magento, but it […]
Lightning Fast LAMP Environment on AWS EC2 for Magento 2.3 with Varnish & HAProxy
Rohan Sharma - 6 years ago
Well we all know that nobody likes a slow website, and this becomes even more crucial for eCommerce site owners. Every second delay can cost you a drop in your conversions. Talking about eCommerce and you can’t ignore Magento. It is also our preferred eCommerce platform for eCommerce Development. Magento comes loaded with features and […]