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Tips to Build Your Email List
Bhavleen Kaur - 5 years ago
Email marketing in eCommerce remains one of the most influential channels to generate traffic, revenue, and conversions for various businesses. If you want to hold the command on email marketing, you must develop and maintain a sound email list.
Ideas & Tips About eCommerce A/B Testing You Should Know
Bhavleen Kaur - 5 years ago
What is eCommerce A/B Testing?
eCommerce A/B testing is a scientific process of assessing a marketing variable compared to a control. The process takes place when brands display a percentage of users, either the variable or control edition of a marketing asset.
Best Email Design Practices to Boost Engagement
Bhavleen Kaur - 6 years ago
eCommerce email marketing grows, to be one of the most compelling tools in digital marketing, it’s quick, assessable, and accessible. However, if you’re accustomed to email design, you recognize that each email client contributes to content differently. Even though some of the email clients are well-versed with the most advanced technology, many are still ages behind the best practices of conventional website design.