How to Use Facebook Lead Generation Ads

Bhavleen Kaurno comments

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As stated by HubSpot, Facebook is the primary channel for content distribution for marketers today. With the predominance of social media in today’s life, Facebook offers an enormous opportunity for businesses of all types to promote their products and services and obtain new shoppers.

Through this blog, we will dive deep into Facebook lead generation, helping you to customize your ads and draw more leads on FB.

Facebook Lead Generation: What Are Facebook Lead Ads?

Lead generation is the method of converting prospects into leads and guiding them into the sales funnel. However, people finding it difficult to learn more about your brand while interacting with your ads on mobile can result in some business loss.

Draw interested prospects by making sure mobile optimization and using Facebook Lead Ads. The interactive ads lead users through the sales funnel with a few clicks. A form pre-populated with contact information pops-up when a prospect taps on the Facebook ad.

Users are more likely to fill out and submit the pre-populating form incorporating essential contact information, resulting in lesser drop-offs. After the submission of the “Instant Form,” the person gets the information they are searching for, and your business receives their information − converting them into a lead.

Customizing Lead Ads

From subscribing to email lists to registering for various events, Facebook lead generation advertisements are excellent for numerous circumstances. Reach the top of your funnel goals, such as improved visibility and brand awareness, by optimizing the advertisements to fit the needs of your business.

Whether you want to optimize your commercials for higher-quality leads or follow up quickly with someone, the customization features of Facebook provide for it.

Quick Follow Up

Make sure your brand is contacting the right people by adding custom queries to your ads. While formulating these questions, businesses have the option to select how they want to receive their answers, like:

  • Multiple choice
  • Conditional
  • Short answer
  • Store locator
  • Appointment request

Further customize by utilizing dynamic ads to display several products, scale your creativity, and encourage your users to provide their information. Improve your creativity and messaging to retarget users who have previously shown interest in your products or services. To know more about retargeting, check out our blog on Facebook ad targeting tips.

Optimizing Ads for Higher-Quality Leads

Your ads must be the best quality to generate leads of higher-quality. Add a CTA button, like “Call Now” or “Shop Now,” to accelerate leads through the journey of a buyer.

Instead of following up with every person submitting a form, use appointment scheduling to allow people to choose the date and time that serves them the best. It will save the time and effort of your team and make it more likely for your shoppers to contact you.

Lastly, customize your ads for the customers of high-intent by requiring higher-level form fields, like a review page. It will check uninterested or unqualified leads from submitting the form and, alternatively, help your business winning leads having a strong inclination to your brand.

Advantages of Lead Ads

Utilizing Facebook ads to increase revenue is a profitable asset for various businesses and industries − especially the automobile industry, B2B businesses, educational institutions, and consumer packaged goods firms.

We encourage firms in the auto industry to take advantage of Facebook’s dealer locator, which enables your leads to find a nearby dealership and set up a date and time for a test drive that works for them − all within your advertisement.

In case you’re in the education industry, make use of customized questions in your advertisements to create various forms for the different classes and programs offered. It will help in determining the topics of your leads’ interest.

If you trade B2B, add a bold CTA like “Talk to an Expert” or “Call Now” so that your leads can reach you directly and quickly. And, if your organization trades in consumer packaged goods, make sure to display products that are relevant to your audience and give them the option to sign up for emails or ask for a sample.

Lastly, one of our favorite advantages is that new leads can directly sync with your CRM, equipping your sales team with all the data they need to get to your leads. Also, businesses can utilize Facebook pixels to track lead conversion results on their websites.


Keep in mind that while creating your FB lead generation ads, the creativity and messaging that you employ should always reflect the personality and voice of your brand. There is a slew of Facebook advertising formats available, so we suggest carrying out some research to comprehend which is best to help your business flourish.

Need assistance with your eCommerce advertising or marketing? Axtrics is here to help you to increase your ROI with paid media. You can tell us your queries or concerns through the comment section below, and our team will help you resolve it.

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