Best Email Subject Line Practices to Embrace Now

Bhavleen Kaurno comments

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Around 35% of your email recipients decide to open your email after reading the subject line only. So, along with following the best practices for email marketing, it’s essential to put extra efforts in creating intriguing subject lines for your emails.

Grabbing the attention of your audience from the beginning can perform miracles for your opening rate and engagement. Hence we’re sharing with you some of the best email subject line practices to implement ASAP and enhance your email marketing strategy.

Best Practices for Email Subject Line

Think like a customer. Most probably, your inbox is swamped every day with emails. But what catches your attention that makes you want to see what’s inside the email you choose to open?

Some of the most reliable email subject line practices to follow while brainstorming for unique ideas:

  • Keep it short & simple
  • Avoid traps such as spam words and sales language
  • Add urgency by introducing a deadline
  • Ask questions
  • Personalize
  • A/B test
  • Keep looking for your next adventure

1. Keep It Short & Simple

A lot of people do not click on every email they receive. Emails with catchy subject lines are the ones that provide notable results.

Keep a short and sweet subject line of your email so that it sticks out of a crowded inbox. Also, don’t hesitate to be creative here and make it so intriguing that your audience would want to engage with the email.

Take account of the length of your subject line. In case it’s too short or is too wordy, customers are not likely to engage with your email. We suggest that your email subject lines should not exceed 60 characters to improve its visibility.

Also, be mindful of the mobile experience while drafting your subject lines. In case the maximum number of views come from a mobile platform, then we suggest keeping the number of characters under 35. After all, mobile accounts for 46% of all emails clicked open.

2. Avoid Traps Such as Spam Words or Sales Language

Even though you may notice many businesses using words such as free, percent-off, help, or reminder, like a trap. As reported by MailChimp, these commonly used words are the chief spam filters, so avoid using them whenever possible.

We also recommend not using capital letters for writing complete email subject lines. Although it may appear to be an excellent way to catch someone’s attention, this method can mark your email as spam. Keep things short, clear, and honest to make sure your message reaches the inbox of your audience.

3. Add Urgency by Introducing a Deadline

Due to our busy calendars, we forget to check our emails many times. Unfortunately, even the most creatively composed email subject lines can succumb to this trend. So, to excite your audience to read, try adding a deadline or particular time to create a sense of urgency.

Provide your readers with a reason to act fast by making it clear about the availability of the offer. An exclusive limited time offer can also attract your audience to respond to your email. Add a time window to your sale or offer so that your audience feels the urge to MUST take action quickly.

4. Ask Questions

Posing a query in the subject line of your email is one of the best ways to make someone consider opening the email. Imagine, you get an email with the subject line stating “Are You Looking For Increasing Your Email Open Rates?” Odds are your interest to know the answer will drive you to open the mail.

You must provide a proper answer to the question you pose if you choose this route. Failing to achieve this could cause your contacts to question your credibility in the future.

5. A/B Test

Be brave and do A/B testing of your subject lines to determine what works for you and what doesn’t. Many products provide free and powerful functionality like HubSpot Enterprise that can help you in increasing the open rates and stimulate additional engagement.

Do some keywords in your subject lines gain higher open rates? Does posing a question in your subject lines cause your contacts to take action? These are quite a few questions that you can test to create smarter emails with A/B testing.

6. Personalize

By personalizing your emails, you humanize your messages, resulting in increased engagement of your contacts. Adding the first name of your subscriber gives the sign that you care, and they are not just an automated recipient.

Consequently, your audience is more likely to engage with the content of your email. If you intend to utilize personalization tokens or gifts in your emails, be sure you have sufficient fall-backs to prevent email sending errors.

Besides, analyze how this personalization aligns with your brand. For instance, using emojis can be an effective and enticing tool for more casual businesses. So, be true to your brand and ensure that your content always resembles your real personality, voice, and tone.

7. Keep Looking for Your Next Adventure

Keep in mind that the same tips may not work for everyone when it comes to email marketing. In case you run an eCommerce business and are looking to generate more revenue, then the best practices for your email subject line will vary from a B2B business that is looking to generate leads.

However, every business should strive to avoid making typical email marketing mistakes. In the end, adventure and data are the trademarks of successful and thriving email marketing efforts.


We hope that these best practices for email subject line will help you to increase your open rate and engagement of your audience. Try to keep your messages outside the spam folder by avoiding using sales language, all capital letters, spam words, and an excessive number of exclamation marks.

Using short subject lines, building a feeling of urgency, posing a question, and personalizing your content is most likely to increase the engagement of your audience following a higher open rate.

If you have any inquiries regarding these best practices for the email subject line or want to learn how to enhance your email design, contact us through the comment section given below.

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